Saturday, June 26, 2010

The three types of TVI Express supporters (and one in disguise)

After tracking TVI Express since late 2009, I think I can classify TVI Express supporters in roughly three types:  the (dumb) debater, the liar/denier, and the evangelical/maniac. If you throw in the weasel reviewers, that'd be four, but the last type do not actually support TVI Express.

(Slightly edited on June 28th)

The supporters can be a mixed breed, by using tactics from all three types.  Let us examine each "breed" in detail.

The (Dumb) Debater

The debater is convinced of his or her viewpoint, that TVI Express is a legal and profitable business, they don't see the overall picture (the overwhelming amount of suspicious activities, characteristics, and some outright lies by TVI Express and other TVI Express members). They read some critic's words, and they seize upon what they perceive as "falsehood" perpetrated by the critic (such as me), even though they cannot provide any proof that what they claim to be "falsehood" is in fact, false. They go on the attack immediately. "You are wrong!"  But they either can't provide any proof, or the proof they provided are bogus.

Example 1: (link to original)
" Kasey wrote: 'But did you ever wonder just WHICH companies was Mr. Buffet was referring to? It sure was NOT TVI Express.' All the business tycoons/experts/public figures listed there are talking about Network Marketing/Direct Selling and not TVI Express in particular and TVI Express's clearly even reflected that on their page. "
Keep in mind, we're referring to this webpage on TVI Express website:

We actually AGREE that Warren Buffett did NOT invest in TVI Express. He was objecting to my "implication" that TVI Express "intentionally" mangled the quote. I believe the above quote and picture *can* be mistaken for a statement that Warren Buffett had invested in TVI Express,  Esp. to a bunch of people whose English proficiency is limited, like... rest of the world.  EmJay07 says "no!" (with implication that only idiots make mistakes like that). You can read our comment war here.

EmJay07, in fact, launched his own blog that republished his own comments as "criticism" to my criticisms of TVI Express, but he had no evidence to backup his criticisms, and he eventually argued himself into a corner, based on his own logic, allegations, and assertions.

The Debaters basically have "tunnel vision". They certainly have commitment and they are intelligent to form at least semi-coherent arguments, but they don't see the "big picture". They fight one item, when there's like seventeen others items. It'd be like the story where the boy have fingers in the dyke to plug the leaks. Eventually, he runs out of fingers and toes.

There's a subspecie of Debaters called the DUMB Debaters. These folks can't even form their arguments properly. All they can do is rant and/or insult. They think "venting their spleen" make them convincing. It actually make them look stupid and crazy.

The Liar/Denier

The Liar/Denier seem to be going through the five stages of grief (denial, anger, sadness, acknowledgment, and acceptance). Their argument always follows this pattern: "You don't understand. You are mistaken. Your evidence is worthless. I don't believe any of them. Who are you really working for to make you say bad things about TVI Express? You must have ulterior motives."

For space reasons, carriage returns were removed from the examples to compress the paragraphs. No "content" was edited.

Example 2: (link to original)
You seem ill informed, when a new member is signed up I show them on the scroll where they appear, seeing their or tag as we say shows your trying to discredit the company for your own reasons. Whats your business? 
You can see that this member's rebuttal gave no evidence at all, just personal opinion and testimony. Then the member immediately went back on the offensive, accusing me of ulterior motives. (That really *is* the full comment.)

Example 3: (link to original)
Well Kasey you really got them this time!  So this was printed as a 3rd party report in some obscure Spanish newspaper and translated using (the always reliable) Google Translate therefore it simply must be true! You are a joke! Why don't you try and do some REAL research to back up your vitriol? The internet community is so tired of all you self proclaimed "MLM Gurus" that so blatantly use this forum to promote their own agenda.  What opportunity are you promoting this week? I would be surprised if you even have the balls to publish this.
This member followed the EXACT SAME formula: denial of the evidence (with a bit of "ad hominem" attack thrown in as well), then he followed the exact same pattern: accuses me of ulterior motives. (Oh, BTW, I not only let your comment stand, I'm republishing it. )  There are more examples

Why "liar / denier"? if they KNOW the truth and accept it, they are liars. If they know the truth and deny it, they are deniers. Neither is good.

The Evangelical

The evangelical simply ignores anything criticism you level, and repeats the recruitment speech. The evangelical behave as if they are in rapture (or a cult). Everything about TVI Express is wonderful, it changed my life, it's the best thing ever since sliced bread (not!) and you should join us!

A "pure" evangelical is rare, and usually they are usually mixed with deniers and debaters.

Example 4: (link to original)  (e-mail address removed, but you can see it in the original)

...At the stroke of recession, when the world economy slept, TVI Express rouse to a new business model with a benign thought of "Touching Lives Globally by making millionaires!" On 1st Feb 2009, it was just a thought, by the end of Feb, 2009 with a network of 2500 members and a map overlay of 50 countries, this thought became a hope and now on 1st Feb, 2010 with a flamboyant network of over 600,000 members in 160 countries, we have become a legendary record-breaking success story. 600,000 people cannot be wrong….think about it…..600,000 people in one year have become members in 160 countries. If you want to know the ins and outs of TVI Express and how you can become a team player with a great group that is dedicated to success not only individually but as a team then please contact me directly at XXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXX   I 100% recommend that the individuals who have tried to discredit an opportunity before trying it themselves to contact me directly, I would love to watch you succeed and have to post a rebuttal on this blog site.
For the record, the poster of this comment posted in February 2010, and never been back since. She actually engaged me in a multi-comment debate where she repeatedly accused me of lying and repeated her recruitment speech, how TVI Express will change her life, how she will earn more in a year with TVI Express than she had EVER earned, total in 42 year of her life, how she'll buy Beemer (BMW) when she gets her paycheck....  Blah blah blah. (really, read the original comments yourself)

Maybe you can write this member back and see if she has earned enough money to buy a BMW yet.

There's a sub-breed of evangelical, which I'll term the "maniac". They are rare nowadays. But basically, they loudly proclaimed on this very blog's comment section...
"the proof is in the pudding and I've seen the money made, or I wouldn't be in this one either."
"I don't care dude ... I have one of the biggested [sic] lists here in Australia - 352 - and have cycled out of the Express Board 8 times in the last 10 weeks and about to do it again in about 5/6 days....  Show me the money baby .. LMFAO"
Or in other words, they see the money, and claim as long it makes money, they don't CARE if it's legit or not.  and they want you to enjoy the money too! It is like the evil version of evangelical.

The Weasel

The weasel is actually not a TVI Express supporter, but acts like one, because he wants TVI Express members to buy his "network marketing secrets". The weasel posts "shill reviews" saying wonderful things about TVI Express, how it is NOT a scam, how it is a wonderful opportunity, BUT you will only succeed if you buy his secrets. And there are HUNDREDS of weasels out there, probably thousands.

Example 5:  (link to original)
...This may sound complicated at first but once you understand exactly how powerful this comp plan really is then you will know exactly how much earning potential is on the table.Here’s the deal, even though TVI Express has an absolutely genius compensation plan and is almost seamlessly perfect you will always be counting on new people coming into the business to drive you up again and again to continue to make 10K. So basically if you don’t know how to market this business then you don’t have a chance in making any significant amounts of income.
The weasel, when confronted, claims he only markets his secrets, and is NOT promoting TVI Express, which was illustrated in the comments in the link above, when the author replied to a critic accused him of promoting TVI Express...
"Umm, yeah. I dunno if you noticed XXXX but I am not promoting TVI [Express] in this article. I am promoting The XXXXXXXXX System. What I'm getting at within this article is the fact that unless you know how to market a business properly on the Internet you are not going ANYWHERE."
Gee, I guess "TVI Express has an absolutely genius compensation plan and is almost seamlessly perfect" is not considered as "promoting" TVI Express. That's why this breed is called "weasel".

So there you go. The four breeds of TVI Express supporters. Comments?
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