Friday, June 11, 2010

Found: Who Warren Buffet was really talking about

On TVI Express website, under "Expert Watch", you'll see that they quoted Warren Buffet:

We've already explained that Mr. Warren Buffet was "richest person in the World" in 2008, but NOT 2009 or 2010, as per

But did you ever wonder just WHICH companies was Mr. Buffet was referring to? It sure was NOT TVI Express.

Turns out one of the companies he was referring to is Pampered Chef, which Berkshire Hathaway *does* own. 

Which brings up another interesting point...

FACT: EVERY legitimate network marketing company has a "code of ethics" for their independent consultants or distributors. Amway has it. ACN has it. Pampered Chef has is (see above).

FACT: TVI Express does NOT have a code of ethics.

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EmJay07 said...


If you have a closer look at the link

You'll see that the page in no means gives the impression that Mr. Warren Buffet is endorsing TVI Express. The heading on the page itself says "What Those That Know NETWORK MARKETING Are Saying"

Here's an excerpt from your blog

"But did you ever wonder just WHICH companies was Mr. Buffet was referring to? It sure was NOT TVI Express."

All the business tycoons and experts listed there are talking about Network Marketing/Direct Selling and not TVI Express in particular and TVI Express's clearly even reflected that on their page.

All they are trying to emphasize on on that page is the power of Network Marketing industry and not any personal endorsements.

Don't try to mislead people by posting things that give a wrong impression to people about something that's not true. It may only fetch you increase in the number of views for your blog but not the credibility.

GuyReviews said...

@EmJay07 -- You clearly did not actually understood what I wrote. You and I understand the page does NOT actually say Warren Buffet invested in TVI Express, but there are dozens, perhaps hundreds or thousands of people who actually think it does.

"TVI Express has some of the greatest investors in the world backing this company. For example, Warren Buffet, Mike Branson [sic], and many others are involved. " --

"Warren Buffet and Richard Branson at the helm of the prestigious UK financial group backing TVI Express!" --

and there are plenty more out there.

The reason I am blaming TVI Express is the wording are misleading to some people. TVI Express shares part of the fault, by providing NO DISCLAIMER, and has NOT combated any of the false information that its distributors had spread. Again, IT HAS NO CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ITS DISTRIBUTORS. That is the point I am making.

Did you notice that any mention of "Sir Richard Branson" was removed from TVI Express website?

I am not the one who gave wrong impression to people. TVI Express is. By NOT citing the actual company Mr. Buffett was referring to, and NOT publishing a disclaimer explaining that TVI Express had NOT received any investment from Mr. Buffett, TVI Express itself has confused the issue, and it had NOT censured any of the distributors making false claims. THAT IS NOT the behavior of a reputable company.

And you really think I care about how many views this blog gets? Hah! A few Adsense (tm) links? Ha!

EmJay07 said...


So you mean to say it's TVI Express's fault if the independent sites or people on their Facebook profiles try to mislead people about Warren Buffer or Sir Richard Branson?

In my humble opinion, it's not reasonable to hold TVI Express accountable of something they never claimed!

It doesn't make any business sense.

And about disclaimer, it wasn't needed since it was very clear on the page.

Your comment:

"You and I understand the page does NOT actually say Warren Buffet invested in TVI Express, but there are dozens, perhaps hundreds or thousands of people who actually think it does."

Kasey, this is no rocket science. If you and I could understand what it is, then it definitely is crystal clear for everyone else to understand as well.

People make use of lot of cheap tactics in order to promote their own personal network but then it's not the company that should be held accountable for it. Rather, those websites which share non-ethical information should be shut down.

GuyReviews said...

Perhaps you and I are actually SMARTER than the rest of the people? And TVI Express is aimed at the lower-end of the spectrum?

And why isn't TVI Express doing anything about these "unscrupulous distributors"? Other companies have a code of conduct. ACN, Amway, and real MLMs have Code of Conduct. TVI Express has nothing. You ever heard of any distributor got kicked out of TVI Express? I don't think so.

Why? Very simple. TVI Express itself is a pyramid scheme. TVI Express would NOT have a code of conduct because it cannot abide by it itself. It also will not kick out any members because a pyramid scheme relies on recruiting MORE members, not getting rid of existing members, even if they are doing bad things.

Rule #1: lie as little as possible

Rule #3: tell the truth, but in a misleading way

Rule #6: stay focused, be committed to the lie

And what you're doing is

Rule #9: counterattack, force the critic on the defensive

(from Top Ten Secrets of Effective Liars )

EmJay07 said...

Well, may be you think too highly of yourself to say that you're smarter than rest of the world or may be you want to ignore the truth simply because you want to keep sticking to what you said even if it holds no grounds... (I'm sure readers, if any, are laughing at this right now) but I don't think that way because I never underestimate others and beleive in the facts.. anyway I don't want to go there .. talking about psychology and "secrets of liars" since I'm here to talk more about facts.

Although, I thank you and I'm honoured for you have considered me as a part of spectrum you fall in but NO THANKS!

And the "lower-end" spectrum..hmmmm ...weelll...ummmppphh... Ha!

If you're refering to people involved in Direct Selling as being in "lower-spectrum", then I guess Mr. Warren Buffet, Mr. Bill Clinton, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, all these are from "lower-spectrum". You must be having gala time enjoying your "higher-spectrum" level on your blog site while writing all this that you do and boasting of your spectrum. Ha?

Apart from the above, I know many not-so-famous but highly qualified and experienced leaders who are a part of TVI Express.

That's very perceptive of you Kasey.

Again, how do you know TVI Express hasn't kicked out any members? PERCEPTION again! and what do you base that on? Ah again, a Psychology Link :| that you want others to read too while ignoring the facts and to follow a perception and validating it by your psychology guide. Ah, makes no SENSE!

Let's get to the facts then.

I personally know of many people who have been blocked or rather "kicked out" by TVI Express for promoting the business in a wrong manner and yes, that spells CODE OF CONDUCT.

Although this whole thing is very irrelevant itself to main point from where this whole conversation initiated but still feel free to let me know should you like to know about some such cases. And oh well, I may not be able to link you to some psychology site but sure can give some REAL facts in case you don't mind them much.

Don't mind me saying this but it's rather clear that you should do your homework well before you make your perceptive comments about something.

Think about it because it will help you put your over-perceptive and in some ways paranoid mind at ease.

GuyReviews said...

You "personally know" some people kicked off. Great. Good for you. The problem is, you can't prove it. What you know is merely hearsay, unless it can be supported by outside evidence.

Unless TVI Express releases a code of conduct on their website or publish such a list, you got NOTHING to prove your point. When TVI Express does so, I'll post a retraction. Until then, you've proven nothing.

Provide some FACTS along with personal observation, next time.

Marshie Shamsuddin said...

TVI Has Been Shut Down In Georgia
September 7, 2010 · Filed Under TVI Express Information
Hello TVI Members -.......

Please visit this site...

Just heard about TVI express coming into Malaysia...and was talked into signing up. But with my research and browsing in the internet alerting me not to..Its true what Kasey code of conduct or ethic that will safeguard all distributors. This company is only 2 years old and of course at this rate they can pay what they claimed to pay out the one eligible but what about in the future when it has already becoming saturated? What will become of them? Can you live thinking that u have giving hope to them but alas when the membership is more than the cycle out is becoming greater, i doubt the company will b able to pay.