Thursday, June 17, 2010

Did British Chinese complaint forced TVI Express out of London?

A search through archives about TVI Express shows a blog entry on a British Chinese Newspaper that claims in cooperation with a blogger from China, the website investigated the alleged "Marble Arch Tower" address of TVI Express, confirmed that it is very suspicious, and notified the landlord probably during August 2009. Within a month (September 2009), TVI Express was gone from its London address. Coincidence? Maybe not!

The original is at , but you can read my translation here.

Published 2009-8-22 20:21
Exposing International Pyramid Scheme"British Chinese Times" exclusive cooperation with Chinese anti-pyramid volunteer


日前国内的一名 反传销志愿者与本报联系,称近来他的工作方向是揭露一个目前在国内疯狂宣传的一个叫 英国TVI旅游快车 的网络传销组织。 

Recently, a Chinese anti-pyramid scheme volunteer has contacted this newspaper, explaining that recently he is trying to expose a extremely virulent pyramid scheme called [British] TVI [Travel] Express (ed: just "TVI Express" after here), an Internet based pyramid scheme.
He hopes to cooperate with this newspaper, spread anti-pyramid knowledge, expose the fraud behind the scheme, and hope to help people avoid pyramid schemes and not fall for the deception.

据介绍,这个 自称英国TVI旅游快车的机构宣称会员缴纳275美 元就可以享受五星酒店的67夜 的免费住宿和免费机票,还会获得免费的游艇,跑车,私人飞机等等,甚至会支付15k的美元给 拉下线 最多的人。 
According to reports, TVI Express claim that members pay 275 U.S. dollars you can enjoy five-star hotel for 6 days 7 nights [sic] free accommodation and free air tickets, with chance to receive free yachts, sports cars, private jets, etc., or even receive 15k dollars to whoever recruits the most people.
但前提是加入者必须像传销那样拼命的拉人入伙,实际上就是靠拉人头骗钱的方式盈利。 However, what was unsaid is participants must recruit like crazy, just like a pyramid scheme, and in truth, its profit is by recruiting people through fraudulent means. 目前这个TVI在中国和印度疯狂宣传。 Currently TVI Express is red-hot promoting in China and India.

据知情人士透 露,该公司没有任何实质上的商品,他们的产品就是会员。 
According to inside sources, the company has no substantive products, their products are members.  
一般人 只要缴纳271美元(折合人民币1897元)注册一 个账号便可成为他们的会员,据称可以享受免费旅游、入住76夜的五星级酒店、国内回程机票,全球旅游 打 折等,但实际上还没有几个人能享受到这样的实惠。另外,会员还可以通过发展下线来提升级别获得奖励,而这才是最为关键的。原来该奖励制度分为两个板块,即A盘(旅游者板快) B盘(快车板块)
"Most people just pay 271 U.S. dollars (equivalent to 1897 yuan) registered an account to become their [TVI Express] member, and enjoy free travel, stay 7 days 6 nights at five-star hotel, domestic return air tickets, worldwide travel discounts and so on, but in reality, few people enjoy such benefits. In addition, members can also enhance their level of reward by rapidly expand their downline (ed: recruiting), and this is the most critical factor. The compensation package is divided into two sections, namely, A board (Traveller board) and B board (Express board)
每个板块分四 层,第一层8人、第二层4人、 第三层2人、第四层1人,成金 字塔型分布,当A盘被填满,最上层的盘主就进入B盘, 并获得 首笔奖金500美金。 
Each board has four tiers, the first layer 8, second 4, third layer 2, fourth layer 1, in a pyramid distribution, when the A board is filled, the top "owner" is cycled into B board (Express board) and the first prize money of 500 dollars.
原来的A盘分成两个新A盘,第三层的两人升为两 个新A盘的盘主,二层升为三层、一层升为二层,再发展一层人员。 
The original A board divides into two new boards, the two at third level was promoted to the two new A board top, second tier rose to third-tier, first tier rose to second-tier, then you develop another layers.
A盘盘主进入他推荐人所在的B盘, B盘结构分布与A盘相同,当第一层8个位置填满时, B盘主领到15000美金出局。  
The "cycled out" A board "owner" goes into B board under his upline. B board is the same as the A board. When the first level of B board is filled, the B board "owner" gets $15000 and is cycled out. 
 同时,他们 公司将再安排出局B盘主去经营另一个新B盘, 循环不息。 
Meanwhile, the company will arrange for the cycled out B board owner to re-enter a new B-board, and the cycle continues. 
如何才能获 得15000美元的回报,答案就是:后来的注册会员。 
How to get 15,000 U.S. dollars as compensation, the answer is: the later members.
就像金字塔不 断忽悠一样,上级剥削下级,最后无法支撑的时候,金字塔轰然倒塌。 
Like the pyramid, endlessly builds up, with the upline exploiting the downline, when there is no more support, the pyramid comes crashing down.

据中国工商部 门调查,没有一个享受过所谓的旅游优惠和五星级住宿等。 
According to Chinese Bureau of Industry and Commerce investigation, no one enjoyed the so-called five-star accommodation and other travel deals.  
温州工商部门 有关人士告诉记者,一看名字, 英国TVI旅 游快车给人感觉挺高端的,而实际被骗加入传销的这些市民,多数是不懂英文、也不懂电脑操作 的中老年妇女,以个体户、家庭妇女为主。 Wenzhou Bureau of Industry and Commerce spokesperson told reporter that the name, "British TVI Travel Express," (TVI Express) gives a high-end credible impression, but the people who were tricked into joining the pyramid, most do not speak English, nor understand computer operation, usually elderly women, self-employed, and housewives.
注册成为会员 后,她们想的都是 如何拉自己的下线,继续发展会员。 
Once they registered as a member, all they think about is how to recruit more downlines, and continue develop more recruits. 
该组织仅在中 国温州的一名骨干人员已发展下线会员1122人,涉案金额高达200多万元。 
This organization members in Wenzhou, had developed 1122 downlines, with possibly 200 million (RMB) involved.

由于英国TVI旅游快车吹嘘自己是英国实 体公司,还公布了一个地址,电话等等,再加上骗子们披着互联网商务的外衣,有很大的 欺骗 性。 
As the TVI Express boasted that they are a United Kingdom company, with announced address, telephone, etc., together with fraudsters who wears the cloak of the Internet e-commerce business, it is very deceptive.
TVI用了这样一个tviexpress.com域 名来做网址,中文直译可以翻译成TVI快车,但从上面的主页页脚截图和TVI网站上的内容可以知道国内宣传者说的TVI实 际是Travel Ventures International的缩写,中文可以翻译成国 际旅游投资公司, Travel Ventures International这才是公司 的学名。  
TVI registered the domain , so the Chinese name should just be TVI快车 (ed: literally TVI Express) , but from the webpage footer and website content, one realizes what the people in China is actually promoting "Travel Ventures International" so the Chinese name should be the same, "Travel Ventures Internationa". What promoters in China actually called "British TVI Travel Express" is a mixed name that is neither official name or translated name.

为了证实英国是否有这样一张TVI公司, 本报记者试了几个英国的查号网页,包括BT(英国电信)Yell(黄页)Thomson Local ,查在伦敦的TVI Express ,全部查不到号。 
In order to confirm whether there is such a company in UK called TVI Express, this newspaper's reporter tried several British 411 type service, including BT (British Telecom), Yell (Yellow Pages), Thomson Local, to search for TVI Express in London, but found nothing.  
The fact that the company cannot be found in any of the three most used whitepages / 411 service in UK is very strange.

为了获得更权 威的结论,本报记者在英国政府注册管理机构网站( )进一步了该查询公司信息,可以看到有两个名称叫做TRAVEL VENTURES LIMITEDTRAVEL VENTURES (EUROPE) LIMITEDTVI的名字最接近,但都是已经解散( Dissolved )的公司。 
In order to obtain a more authoritative conclusion, reporter then queried authorities in the UK website ( for the company information, you can see there are two names and called TRAVEL VENTURES LIMITED and TRAVEL VENTURES (EUROPE) LIMITED are the closest match, but both are already dissolved.
下一个最相近 的在业公司是TRAVELVIDS LIMITED ,所以搜索系统自动把它加亮显示。 
The next closest is TRAVELVIDS LIMITED, so the search system automatically highlighted it.
搜索结果说明 根本就没有叫Travel Ventures International的公司存在。 
Search results show simply that there is no such company called Travel Ventures International's.

记者在可以在 搜索表单中选择搜索已解散公司的名字( Dissolved names ),公司的曾用名( Previous names ),公司曾经申请使用的名字( Proposed names )。 
Reporter can search on the search form, to search for (Dissolved names), previous name (Previous names), or (Proposed names).
都找不到Travel Ventures International这个名字的踪影。 
Travel Ventures International has no trace of existence.

换而言之,这个国内传销宣传者口中的享 有盛誉的英国企业集团出资,其在英国的国内外都有成功商业事务“TVI国际旅行合资企业就是个骗子集团 搞的传销骗局, Travel Ventures International更本就不是注 册的合法公司,这个所谓的英国TVI旅游快车公司从来就没有存在过,宣传者口中的所谓合法直销项目既不合法,也没有注册 过,是欺骗人的虚假项目。 
In other words, this "funded by prestigious business group in UK" company, and heavily advocated by Chinese pyramid promoters, with successful business affairs in UK and aboard, is a scam perpetrated by fraudsters promoting a pyramid scheme. Travel Ventures International is not a legally registered company, the so-called TVI Express has never existed, and so-called "legitimate direct sales programs" is neither legitimate, nor legal, and is a deceptive scam. 至少,该公司 未曾在英国进行过合法注册,是一个皮包公司。 At the minimum, the company had not been legally registered in the UK, and is a shell company.

国内的一些宣 传TVI的人在一些在线视频网站放出所谓的实地考察TVI大楼的视频,本报已经查明TVI所说的公司大楼只不过是个出租写 字楼,大楼的确存在,那些视频也只是从外面拍到了这栋大楼,这栋大楼的地址是: 
In China, some TVI Express promoters have uploaded some video that claims to have visited TVI Express location. This newspaper has confirmed that the so called address is just a building with office for rent, and the building does exist. Those videos only filmed outside. The address is:

Marble Arch Tower
55 Bryanston Street
London, W1H 7AJ
United Kingdom
据称所谓Travel Ventures International的公司就在这栋楼里,但在tviexpress.com的网站上,他们给出的地址就是这栋大楼的地址。 
The company called Travel Ventures International is allegedly in this building, but on website, the address they give is the address of this building.

United Kingdom是英国, London W1H 7AJ这是伦敦和邮编, 55 Bryanston Street这 是街道, Marble Arch Tower这是建筑的名字,这个看似完美的地址有没有什 么问题呢,本报记者使用搜索引擎Google很快就找到答案。 United Kingdom is the United Kingdom, London W1H 7AJ This is London and the postal code, 55 Bryanston Street is the street, Marble Arch Tower is the name of the building. The address seems fine with no problems, but the reporter was able to find the answer quickly via Google.

这只是个普通 的写字楼地址,由MWB Business Exchange Plc提供出租办公室服务。 
This is just an ordinary office address, rented out by the MWB Business Exchange Plc.
宣传TVI旅游快车的人到处贴的所谓TVI总 部大楼,包括TVI的网站都煞有介事的放上这栋楼的图片,均来自这家房屋出租公司。 
People who promote TVI Express, and provided the photo of the building, even the photo on the TVI Express website, the photos all came from this office rental company. 
换而言之,被 中国TVI销售人员宣传的所谓TVI总 部大楼实际上是个月付租金的写字楼,交钱都能进, TVI撑死也就是一个租户。 
In other words, this "TVI Express Headquarters" that was so heavily promoted by Chinese promoters is merely month-to-month rental. Any body can rent this place if you pay up. TVI Express is just a renter, nothing more.

另外还有人用Google的街景拍摄车 (这些车头顶摄像机在大街上随意拍摄街景)拍到的视频宣传TVI总部大楼的,完全不是求证, 只能证明这栋楼的确存在,却不能证明TVI在这栋楼里。 There are also people use Google's Street View to "prove" TVI Express headquarters building exists, but this is no proof at all, as it can only prove that the building exists, but can not prove TVI Express is in this building.

本报记者给房屋出租公司发出email说 有个叫TVIpyramid selling scam在用他们的地址,该公司告诉本报记者,确有一个名为TVI的 公司在此楼内,该中介也接到过类似的查询,他们正在进一步核查,如果确认该公司属金字塔式行销,他们将采取适当的措施。 
Reporter has sent e-mail to the office rental company explaining that a company called TVI Express, suspected to being a pyramid scheme, is using their office space. The rental company responded that they do have a tenant called TVI Express, and they have also received various queries to the legitimacy of the company, and they are investigating as well. If they have confirmed the company is a pyramid scheme, they will take appropriate measures. 

有独无偶,据 本报记者了解,近来在英国华人社区也出现了类似的传销行为,如某品牌卫生巾由约克郡华人引入英国在曼城等地进行传销活动。
Coincidentally, this reporter has also recently found similar pyramid scheme in the British Chinese community. A certain brand of sanitary napkins was introduced to UK through Yorkshire and spread to Manchester and other cities via a pyramid scheme.

据了解,该品 牌由于传销活动早在2006年被已在中国被查处。 
This brand and scheme was investigated and banned in China back in 2006. 
此番改头换 面,利用中英法律差异在英国华人社区发展。 
However, with a new look and a new name, and exploiting that something guilty in China is still innocent in the UK, it came over to British-Chinese communities and spread.

据了解,英国的确允许直销形式的商业活动,但是有一定的要求与限制,此外根据英国商业、创新与技能部的 定义,如果以招徕成员而非提供商品或服务的金字塔行销,是一种非法的商业欺诈行为。 
UK law does allow direct selling commercial activity, but there are certain requirements and limitations, in addition to the UK business law. If a pyramid selling recruits, and not promise product or service, it is an illegal commercial fraud.

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