Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TVI Express in Indonesia desperate enough to buy TV Time

Provinces of IndonesiaImage via WikipediaApparently TVI Express Indonesia (i.e. Goernawan and followers, such as Rudy Phan / tviexpressdollar) have enough money to buy TV Time, and they are using that as some sort of legitimacy claim.

If they have money, why are they spending it on TV time instead of paying member's trips?

And more, TV time means nothing. Here in the US, we still have TV ads selling "Hexagonal Water Revitalizer", even though it was long proven to be a scam.

Buying TV Time only shows that they are not putting their priority in order. Their priority is to SERVE members, not to make itself look more legitimate in order to attract more members.

Furthermore, TVI Express have always lied or obfuscated various information. Furthermore, even Ms. Goernawan herself (and her follower, Rudy Phan) have claimed TVI Express is NOT MLM when it says so very clearly on TVI Express website that it is MLM. So can you believe ANY word they say, whether on TV or off? If they can't even be clear about what exactly is TVI Express, how can you trust them on anything else?

Don't get brainwashed by enthusiasm and greed.

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