Friday, December 31, 2010

Time to Bust More of Rudy Phan's TVI Express Dollar bull****

First of all, Rudy loves to spread bull**** around without fact checking. Let's do some fact checks and bust his bull****.

Today's target:
So what's wrong with this page? He claims to introduce TVI Express. So let's see what it says. As I am following through Google translate, I will not quibble on grammar.

First. what Rudy Phan claims to be the TVI Express "international headquarters"...

And what is this "prestigious UK based business group"? Nobody knows. And the address given was just after...

So let's search for UK office, says 1 Furzeground Way, Stockley Park, Heathrow, yes? Type that into Google, and you'll find this real estate listing:

That doesn't look like the same building, does it? Because it's NOT!

What Rudy Phan's got there is actually a picture of TVI Express's OLD address, at 55 Bryanston St. Which was in London. That building is called Marble Arch Tower. TVI Express had NOT been there since September 2009!

Who does Rudy Phan think he's going to fool with an OLD picture, eh? But there's more.

What about Indonesia? Rudy Phan shows the following picture:

Looks impressive, until you realize this is a shopping center (look at the Google pic), and they rented ONE tiny office in the upper floors.

And then Rudy claims they are legitimate based on a simple business license, which is reproduced below:

However, the laws says they are NOT compliant!
Direct Selling Systems
In order to administer business compliance, protect customers, provide legal certainty, and create attractive business environment and to increase investment in trading business, the Minister of Trade issued Regulation No. 32/M-DAG/PER/8/2008 regarding Direct Selling Trading on 21 August 2008.  The regulation requires companies engaged in trading goods or services that apply direct selling to, among other things, be established as a limited liability company (perseroan terbatas), have obtained a direct selling business license, maintain a permanent office address, meet the prevailing goods or services quality standard requirements, guarantee the quality and after sale services for the goods or services sold, and register with the competent authorities the goods or services that will be sold as required by the laws and regulations.  If the company is a domestic investment company, it must have investment capital of a minimum of Rp. 2 billion.  If it is a foreign investment company, the investment capital must be a minimum of Rp. 5 billion, and it must have at least one Indonesian director and one commissioner.

-- cited from
So the requirements are
  • LLC/PT -- check
  • direct selling business license  -- NOT COMPLIANT
  • permanent office -- check (well, permanent enough)
  • meet quality standards -- unknown, we'll give them a pass on that
  • register with authorities as required -- NOT COMPLIANT

Who do you think they are fooling, eh?
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