Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rudy Phan continues to publish bull**** on his

Balloon Animal Lobster. Replica of Lobster tau...Balloon Animal Image via WikipediaIndonesia is recognizing the the scam known as TVI Express. So what does Rudy Phan do? He publishes some bull**** on his website that claims "TVI Express is a soft rubber ball, not a golf ball". Heck, he even included graphical illustrations. Why? He claims TVI Express is flexible and adaptable, strength in diversity, and that sort of stuff. 

Why? Rudy Phan gave a few reasons... Do they make any sense?

1) Indonesia is lucky because TVI Express have an office here.

What does this have to do with the rubber ball / golf ball metaphor? He claims HUNDREDS of Indonesians have enjoyed their vacations in December thanks to TVI Express office in Indonesia.  Did you just imply that TVI Express corporate office is useless, Rudy Phan? That is is a golf ball compared to your local office that is a soft stretchy ball? That TVI Express corporate office is not doing their job? That you must have a "local" office to get good service?

2) TVI Express has restricted Indonesian members from joining other countries members as downlines, because this is somehow a "security feature".

Sounds like RESTRICTIONS, not freedom or flexibility. So Is this the golf ball or rubber ball, Rudy? Sounds like you're calling TVI Express corporate office a golf ball again.

3) Rudy Phan also claims that Goernawan has promised even more discounts in travel in the near future, just wait.

However, keep in mind that Goernawan is the same person who claimed that "TVI Express is not multi-level", even when TVI Express itself says it is multi-level. So can you believe ANY THING Goernawan and Phan writes?

And what does this have to do with the rubber ball golf ball thing? Promised in the future means not now. So does that mean the golf ball will turn into a softer ball later? Is Rudy Phan promising magic? 

4) Rudy Phan explains that some people tries to sign up more money less people, while others do less money more people. So what's the difference? He claims the latter taps into the "network" better.

Mr. Phan fails to realize that since everybody pays the same fees, "less money" means "less PERSONAL money spent", or "you recruit a lot of your friends and family".  Since nothing is sold, it doesn't matter who pays into the system... You, or who you recruited. In a SALES situation, the more people selling the product, the more likely more overall sales will be achieved due to market penetration (until the market is saturated).

However TVI Express doesn't sell anything according to their own FAQ, so Rudy's explanation is bogus and irrelevant, but he doesn't seem to think so.

The only way having a "larger network" helps is more people can be signing up even MORE people, which basically PROVES it is multi-level... or a pyramid. However, he also claimed TVI Express is NOT multi-level. So which is which, Rudy Phan? 

5) Mr. Phan then claims some difference in training, as if TVI Express actually *have* any sort of training program.

All you get from TVI Express are some PDFs and some Powerpoint slide shows. Any "seminars" and meetings are basically mutual cheerleading sessions and recruitment drives for people who don't understand anything. What else is there?

He then blames other member joining for the wide variety in training. But what training is there? It can be summarized in one word: RECRUIT! How do you succeed in TVI Express? Recruit!

Finally, Mr. Phan concludes with some veiled insults at anti-TVI people, something about we can be different, and claims some people who don't understand join and was disappointed, but TVI Express will survive that.

Mr. Phan, why don't you address some real issues? Why do you keep inventing information that directly contradicts the official website or common logic?

Sounds like you have a balloon, Mr. Phan. Sure you can squeeze it into different shapes... Until someone pops the balloon and it goes BOOM. And how many people will be left with nothing except pieces?
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Nidya Astrini said...

Christmas surprise for you!

*sarcasm mode on*

Oh Kasey, you are WRONG about TVI's product. Very2 WRONG.

According to, TVI product is not “personal voucher” but “member club voucher” which can be used mainly during TVI events (TVI annual convention, elevation retreat, leadership meet, black tie summit, regional conferences, and I’m TVI Conferences) . The member will still be able to use the voucher for personal trip/ event, but under certain terms and condition. It can only be used in low season and TVI doesn’t guarantee the availability of the hotel/ resorts. Member must also book the room a month in advance. And since this “personal voucher” is NOT the product from the first place, TVI isn’t obliged to fulfill it.

So, those people who tried to use the voucher for personal trips misunderstood. They didn't know the 'real product'

*surprise yet?

GuyReviews said...

South Africa charges $2700 South African Rand for TVI Express membership, when 250 USD should be about $1700 Rand.

How much is Indonesia charging for TVI Express membership? How much is Goernawan keeping for herself?

They know how to dance around and invent more weasel-talk.

Nidya Astrini said...

According to

It's Rp2.600.000 ($287), but soon it will be Rp3.000.000 ($331).

GuyReviews said...

I guess they need to squeeze more money out of Indonesians before the government declares it illegal... Joining in other countries still is $250 USD. :) So it is discrimination against Indonesians.

They also give Indians discount.