Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Funny Indonesia TVI Express "slogan"

Cover of "Screw It, Let's Do It (Expanded...Cover via AmazonTVI Express Indonesia have a member who opened a Facebook presense called "TVI Express Celebrity". So what sort of slogan do they have?
Bertindak tanpa terlalu banyak
berpikir. Bertindak dengan insting dan intuisi.
Jangan percaya kepada akuntan anda kalau mau memulai bisnis.
Lakukan saja.

And the English translation is...
Acting without too much thinking. 
Acting by instinct and intuition.
Do not trust your accountant if you want to start a business.
Just do it.
And who did they claim the quotes came from? Sir Richard Branson.  However, ALL FOUR QUOTES HAVE PROBLEMS.

Sir Richard Branson has a book called "Screw it, let's do it!" Inside, the first chapter is called "Just Do it", but the quote was taken out of context. The chapter in the book actually says if you want to do it, then figure out a way to do it. Learn how to do it. Find a legal way to do it. And so on. Sir Richard Branson never said to jump in blindly and ignore any "due diligence".

Furthermore, all of the other quotes are either wrongful attributions or misquotes. The quote about the accountants? it's actually

I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling, especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer.
There are no quotes by Sir Richard Branson that I can find on the remaining two alleged quotes. Yet they sound a lot like the bull**** I found earlier on TVI Express Indonesia websites where the various TVI Express leaders tell members (who read concerns on websites such as this blog here) to ignore all criticisms and just jump right in when "momentum is good".

Conclusion: TVI Express Indonesia are using celebrity quotes, chopping them, and wrongfully attributing them in order to promote a scam.  Just like TVI Express itself. That's why you don't find Sir Richard Branson mentioned on TVI Express website any more.
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