Sunday, March 14, 2010

TVI Express member felt betrayed by TVI Express

Warren Buffett speaking to a group of students...Image via Wikipedia
Instead of bashing TVI Express myself, I'll let a TVI Express member do it!

Here's a direct quote from . The author is trying to answer someone else's question about if Warren Buffet owns (or indeed, have anything to do with) TVI Express. If you explore the rest of the site, you can see that it's clearly a recruitment site.  So what does this member have to say about TVI Express now?

"... Lastly, Mr. Buffet, a well respected businessman, entrepreneur and self made billionaire has more business sense then to establish a company that over a year now offered it’s main product or selling tool, ie; “free travel” and which has at best been slow to be provided (if at all) to it’s huge member base.

Simply stated; I think Mr. Buffet is honorable enough not to be involved in such a messy and seemingly confused business model as TVI has been to date.

David, I hope this clears up your questions and as you are aware, I too got involved with TVI, however without a viable product in the form of their offered “free vacation”;  I wonder if TVI will be a viable business model for the future.  Only time will tell….!"
So, even a TVI Express distributor is now disillusioned with TVI Express. Are you *sure* you want to join a company that is disappointing its distributors?
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