Monday, March 8, 2010

TVI Express busted in Fujian, China

Municipality of Shanghai · 上海市Shanghai Image via Wikipedia
From Fujian XiaPu People's Government Official Website Press Release (Google's autotranslation)

(Translator's note: Chinese tradition dictates that the full name of the suspect is not released. Instead, the middle word is left out. I use "X" as substitute letter)

霞浦警方破获 一起网上非法传销案
XiaPu Police have broken up an online pyramid scheme

1900 Yuan (RMB) can get you accomodations at highest rated hotels for a week all over the world?

来源:县委报道组 作者:夏斌 张青 点击次数:221 发布时间:09-10-09 10:11:30
Source: County Report Group    Author: Xia Bin Zhang Qing   Clicks: 221    Release time: 09-10-09 10:11:30

On September 23rd (2009), XiaPu Police, with cooperate from NingDe City's Public Security Office, and Shanghai City PuDuo Branch of the Public Security Office, has apprehended a fugitive in Shanghai City, YiChuan New Village. The suspect, Huang X. Li, was a suspect in an illegal operation. 

Since March of this year (2009), XiaPu Police have received many tips, that someone is using the Internet to recruit people illegally into a pyramid scheme, defrauding people of their money. The Public Security Bureau's special investigation task force has formed a special task group concentrating on this problem. 

经过数月缜密侦查,警方查明并掌握了以上海籍犯罪嫌疑人黄某莉为首,纠集霞浦籍嫌疑人陈某菁、张某萍、林某萍等人,通过网络,以加入 “英国TVI旅游快车”项目为由,在霞浦境内组织他人进行非法传销,诈骗钱款,涉案人员300多人次,金额达470多万元的犯罪事实和证据。
With several months of intense investigation, police have found and obtain sufficient evidence (to understand the whole setup). The primary suspect, Huang X. Li, with residency in Shanghai (China), is the leader. She had recruit multiple suspects in XiaPu juristidction, such as Chen X. Chin, Zhang X. Ping, Lin X. Pin, etc., through the Internet, to join "TVI Express", and to recruit yet more people into this illegal pyramid scheme, with intent to defraud money. Over 300 people were victimized, and amount lost is over $4,700,000 Yuan (RMB). (About $690,000 USD)

据办案警官介绍,该诈骗团伙通过在网络上设立“英国TVI旅游快车”项目为幌子,诱骗他人加入该项目,谎称只需花1900元买一份该 项目业务,就可加入该项目,成为项目一员,享受到项目主办方发给的“优惠卡“和其它“优惠待遇”,甚至可以凭“优惠条件”,入住世界各地旅游地星级宾馆7 天6夜。
One of the investigating officers explained, this fraud group established on the Internet "TVI Express" presence, to trick people into joining. The lie was "just spend 1900 to join, and become a member, and enjoy this "advantage card" and incentives, even enjoy accomodations all around the world at hottest travel locations at the best hotels 7-days and 6-nights.

Every member will develope the members... more recruits, better results, and more bonuses. 

具有讽刺意味的是,该团伙头目黄某莉归案后,面对办案警官的询问,如实供述了连她自己也没有弄清“英国TVI旅游快车”项目到底是什 么,更没享受过什么“优惠待遇”。
Something really ironic is that the head of this operation, Huang X. Li, when questioned by police, have admitted that she had actually NOT enjoyed any such "accomodations" or bonuses, and don't really understand the whole deal. 

Police wish to remind all citizens, "free food don't fall from the sky". Whenever something involves money, you should be prudent and careful, and don't fall for scams

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