Sunday, March 14, 2010

A relatively objective review of TVI Express (not by me)

Read a relatively objective review of TVI Express
"You see, in order to make money in TVI Express, you've got to 'cycle' through the express board.  Every time you 'cycle' you make $15,000.  It costs about $250 to get involved in TVI Express, and it's a one time cost.  So how do you pay $250, get 2 people to pay $250, and make $15,000?
Simple.  Swarms of other people are getting involved and paying $250, and AS LONG AS THAT KEEPS HAPPENING, people will keep cycling through the express board.  However, the second the crazy growth stops (and it will) there's no consumable product to keep the pay checks coming."
He got the math slightly wrong (99.6%, not 99.9% will not make the big money), but otherwise it's spot on. 

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