Sunday, February 6, 2011

TVI Express Weasel Coaches: Suppsed Teacher of MLM wants to Profit from You

Coach who avoids her own questions

Here is where "marketing coaches" saying stuff like "TVI Express is great!" without any fact-checking, just to score a couple more sales of their "training" of dubious value. Today, our highlight is on

Ms. Petoskey poses some interesting questions, but managed to dodged them all, thus not answering the question she herself have posed. And that is the ultimate weasel act. Let us see how she managed to weasel out of her own questions.

Introduction: could be better

Ms. Petoskey started by repeating company material, and posed three questions, which according to her, "you need to ask before “jumping in”
1) What is the company’s experience in Network MLM/Network Marketing? Has the company been involved in scams?

2) Who are the owners of the company? Who will be managing the company? Is this public knowledge/posted?

3) Are there Company Policies and Procedures available? Have these been reviewed? How detailed are the Policies and Procedures?
The intro could be better, as she did not bother to confirm any of the information she had given. By December the Cyprus address had been published, but the issue was never raised. In fact, she claimed 5 different offices later in the same article.

The three questions were quite sensible. Unfortunately, she never answered any of them.

Promised answers, gave none

With a section title like "so what are the answers to the questions above when reviewing the TVI Express opportunity?" You would expect she would give SOME answers to the three questions she posed herself, but you'd be mistaken.

She cited 6 points she got from listening to "TVI Express Leadership" conference call. As she had not cited the "TVI Express Leadership", one can only suspect the person she may be quoting... Tarun Trikha. Indeed, the answers she quoted seem to be from the PlanetTVI conference call that is still available on Youtube (in 7 parts). Why is that a problem? According to TVI Express itself, Tarun Trikha is merely a very senior distributor, not a TVI Express employee or corporate member, and thus, should have NO RIGHT TO SPEAK FOR TVI EXPRESS. Thus, any answer he gave would be suspect.

But let us leave that aside for now. What do the answers actually say?

1) compensation plan is great.

Did not answer ANY of the three questions she raised herself. That's an opinion, not a fact.

2) vouchers are difficult to redeem (they're working on it)

This answers #3: TVI Express have LOUSY policies and procedures.

3) "There are 5 offices that are open (Locations have not been provided to avoid huge traffic jams in these areas – What??!!!)"

Again, TVI Express have LOUSY procedures policies. Even she was surprised by the weasel explanation she had heard. They have five offices, but have to HIDE the offices to people don't overwhelm them. Yeah, right.

4) "After finishing the Express Boards, the payout is $10K AND $5K for travel to company events."
Again, LOUSY procedures and policies. This should have been defined from the very start, or put into the FAQ. Guess what happened to that $5K? It simply DISAPPEARED from the FAQ altogether.

5) Is TVI Express legal in the US? No idea. "TVI Express has started working with an attorney to stabilize business in the US (to establish presence in the US)."

LOUSY procedures and policies. ANY international MLM should have hired legal consultants LONG time ago well versed in international law. In fact, there are questions that is TVI Express even legal in Europe, but that's for another article/hub.

6) "There is concern about the attentiveness/responsiveness of the TVI Express Support Team." They're working on it.

Again, LOUSY procedures and policies.You'd think that with FIVE different offices, they'd got SOME sort of support system in place, but no! They are HIDING the offices! Really!

According to Ms. Petovskey herself, these are answers to her three questions... Yet two of her questions were NOT answered, and all of the "answers" to the third question are BAD BAD BAD. 

Even if you give the company "benefit of doubt" for being a "young company" (almost a year old, as this was written in December 2009), and the problems raised were "growing pains", these answers don't say anything useful.

We will give some REAL answers later, as she had not done her own job. She promised, but did not deliver.

Interviewing TVI Express member:why?

Ms. Petoskey then interviewed an existing TVI Express member, but none of the questions actually address any of the questions she herself asked. instead, she asked softball questions like "What is TVI Express?" (which she already answered), "How many people have joined you?", "How long have you been in?".

The entire interview is filler, and provided no answers to her own questions.

The End: intent becomes clear

It is only in the last paragraph that Ms. Petovskey's intent becomes clear:
"Once you have the proper marketing training and skills, you will be able to bring in double-digit distributors every month into your TVI Express business. To obtain the proper marketing training and skills for TVI Express business builders, visit TVI Express Marketing Training,"
Or, in other words, "you won't succeed unless you pay me."

She posed questions she did not answer. At the end, she wants you to pay her.

That is the very definition of a weasel.

And now, some REAL answers

As Ms. Petoskey managed to dodge her own questions, I'll try to do her job: answer the questions.

Q1) What is the company’s experience in Network MLM/Network Marketing? Has the company been involved in scams?

ANSWER: company has NO experience in MLM / network marketing at all. It is a young company (less than a year old at time of post), thus it has not been involved in scams. As its ownership or management were invisible, we can make no conclusions regarding the management team's experience in MLM/network marketing either.

Q2) Who are the owners of the company? Who will be managing the company? Is this public knowledge/posted?

ANSWER: The owners of the company and the managers was NEVER published. There's some nebulous comment about "owned by prestigious investor group": but no details were available.

Q3) Are there Company Policies and Procedures available? Have these been reviewed? How detailed are the Policies and Procedures?

ANSWER:There are no company policies and procedures available on TVI Express website.
According to Ms. Petoskey herself, these questions should tell you if you should join TVI Express. As the answer to each of the three questions is NO, the answer should be NO, you should NOT join TVI Express. 

Yet she wants you to pay her for training to help make your TVI Express business successful.

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