Friday, February 4, 2011

Has TVI Express Hinting that It is a Scam all along?

TVI Express has used a LOT of words with double meanings, and there were hints all along that things were never what they seem. Had they indicated ALL ALONG that they were a scam?

FACT: Do you know the TVI Express "slogan"? "Touching Lives Globally". It never did say anything about IMPROVING lives, did it? Getting scammed is "touching" as well.

FACT: TVI Express held a "golden eggs 2010" event in Indonesia. Golden eggs, sounds prosperous. However, did nobody hear of the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs? It was one of the most famous of Aesop's fables... About GREED leading to the downfall. There is even an Eastern version about goose and golden feathers.

Did you find any other "deeper meanings" in words of TVI Express?

EDIT 1: There are a lot of references to "TVI Express Tsunami". We all know about the tsunami that wiped out a lot of Indonesia and such few years back. And nothing good comes out of a tsunami. Do you really want to be associated with a tsunami? Tsunami WIPES OUT people's lives.

EDIT 2: There are even MORE references about "Exploding TV Express"

Why would a company be exploding? Do these people not understanding English?
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