Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TVI Express scam exposed by Chinese reporter

NOTE: the Google Translate Link is here, in case you want to see the original, and the automatic translation.I do not claim to be a professional translator, so if you spot mistakes, let me know.

出盘就拿15000美金? 记者揭TVI网络传销内幕

Cycle out and get $15000 USD? Reporter reveals the secrets behind the TVI Express pyramid scheme

2009-06-12 10:10  来源: 齐鲁晚报  source: Qilu Evening News

NOTE: Link to a screenshot of online chat between the reporter and the TVI Express rep in China is not linked here. You can view the original via the link above.

“每天产生一个15000美元的会 员,这是一个奇迹,你还等什么?”
"Every day a $15000 dollar member is born. This is a miracle. What are you waiting for?"

Recently, a company named "TVI Express" is using this extremely tempting advertising language all over the Internet. Is there such a thing?

根据有关线索,记者在调查后发现,这个所谓以电子商务和在线 旅游为名的公司,其本质经营的仍旧是靠“拉人头、发展下线”来赚钱。
Based on available clues, this reporter, after an investigation, has found that the so-called e-commerce and online travel company, is really based on recruiting and developing downline for money.

记者调查 Investigation by reporter

神秘术语很蒙人  Mysterious terminology is confusing

近日,网上频频 流传一种“TVI旅游快车”的广告。
Recently, on the Internet "TVI Express" ads are very frequently seen.

"Latest e-commerce business, cycle out of the board and get $15,000 U.S.D."

记者联系上一位QQ名为“TVI “的男子(以下简称TVI),对方听说记者对TVI旅游快车这个新兴职业很感兴趣时,顿时显得非常热情,不断给记者介绍TVI旅游快车的详细情况。
Reporter was able to contact a man named "TVI" via QQ (note: QQ is a chat program similar to ICQ or AIM in the US, very popular in China-- translator). The other party heard that the reporter was very interested in this new opportunity called TVI Express, and suddenly became very enthusiastic, and explained a lot of details about TVI Express to the reporter.

记者:你好,我看到TVI旅 游快车的广告,很想加入。
REPORTER: Hello, I saw one of the ads about TVI Express. I am interested in joining.

TVI: 对我们的事业很感兴趣吗?你找好介绍人了吗?
TVI: Very interested about us? Did you find a sponsor yet?

REPORTER: Must I find a sponsor to join?

TVI: You need a full-time TVI member as sponsor, and pay $271 USD to join.

REPORTER: Why must I find an existing member to join? Doesn't that mean you are forcing old members to recruit new members all the time?

TVI: This is for the team. We develop a long-term plan for you, based on your own qualifications, and help you step by step to accomplish your goal.

REPORTER: So after I join, just find some new members and I can earn money?

TVI :是的,但是你必须明白一点,拉新伙伴进来是帮公司销售产品,并不是拉人头。
TVI: Yes, but you must understand one thing, the people you recruit are here to help the company sell things, and it's not recruiting.

REPORTER: What is the primary product of the company?

TVI: Product is service, is members. Members enjoy special bonus, receives free accommodations for 7-day 6-night at a 5-star hotel, free domestic return flight ticket, and then a chance via hard work to get $15000 USD, just to start.

TVI: 我们团队里面有人两个半月前开始经营,现在已经拿到了15000美金的收入了。
TVI: One of our team member just started two and a half months ago, and he already got his 15000 USD.

REPORTER: Did you make money by now?

TVI: I am almost done with the first board. When I finish the first board, I get the first bonus, $500 USD. I am vice board owner (one level below the board owner -- translator).

When he said "board", he meant a matrix, of multiple levels, 1-2-4-8.

自称直销 Claims to be direct-sell

公司今年新成立 Company was newly established this year (2009)

Reporter also contacted several other members of TVI Express, and found that the company compensation plan uses "double revolving matrix".

公司奖励制度分为A盘(旅游者板块)和B盘(快车板块),每一盘面都会有4层,分别为(从下往上):1层,2层,3 层,4层;共15个位置。
Company compensation plan has two boards: A board (traveler matrix), and B board (express matrix). Each board has four levels, from bottom to top: level 1, 2, 3, and 4, for total of 15 spaces.

在A盘中,每个 新人的加入都是从第1层开始由左向右填空,在这个过程中,最下面第1层的8个位置分别是由以上七位合力完成,谁先带会员进来就有更快的机会往上晋升,当第 一层的8个位置都填满时就进入B盘,可得500美元的奖励。
In the A board, each new member is filled in from the first level fill to the right. When the first level is filled, then the first person in level 1 is pushed up a level. So who brought in more members, who has better chance of getting "promoted" ("cycling out" is the TVI term -- translator) to the B board, and gets $500 payout.

Thus, you cycle into B board, and keep developing more members and downlines.

据对方介绍,英国TVI公司成立于2009年初,今年 3月登陆中国。
Based on the other party's info, TVI Express was established in early 2009, and launched in China in March 2009.

提供在线的旅游服务,主要产品是整合全球的旅游资源(酒 店,机票,油轮,旅游景点,租车等)。
They provide online travel service, mainly combining global travel resources, such as hotel, plane tickets, cruises, vacation packages, car rentals, and so on.

“可以通过我们的网上行销办公室,以最低廉的价格订购到来自全球各地的旅游产品。”当记者质疑TVI是否传销时,对方竭力否认,并说自己是合法的直销机 构。
"Through our online sales office (virtual office), you can purchase the travel products worldwide with the lowest prices." When the reporter asked if TVI is a pyramid scheme, the other party denied the allegations, stated that TVI is a legal direct selling company.

但在 国家工商总局公布的合法直销公司名单中,并未见到TVI旅游快车的名字。
However, in the [Chinese National] State Agency of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) list of approved multi-level-marketing and direct selling companies, there is no listing for "TVI Express"

工商 部门  Department of Industry and Commerce (Gongshanbu)

市民可随时举报  Citizen can make a compliant at any time

记者随后来到山东省工商局,公平交易 局的工作人员解玉坚告诉记者,网络传销是近年来传销的一个新形式和变种,由于脱离了实体,再披上电子商务的外衣,网络传销一般很隐蔽。
Reporter than came to ShanDong province's Department of Industry and Commerce (GongShangBu). The Fair Trade Bureau (within the Department of Industry and Commerice) employee Xie Yu Jian told  this reporter, Internet pyramid scheme is growing very rapidly in recent years, by switching to new forms and new tactics. Because it is no longer tied to physical entity, combined with a facade of e-commerce, the Internet Pyramid Scheme is very secretive.

”"However, regardless of any propaganda, as long as it relies on recruiting, getting downlines, implementing team-based mutual benefit (where members pay each other within the team), it is a pyramid scheme."

由于网络还是一个虚拟空间,与传统传销相比, 网络传销更具隐蔽性。
Because Internet is a virtual space, compared to traditional pyramid schemes, the Internet pyramid scheme is more covert in nature. 

“发展会员都是在网络上进行,会员通过网站就能加入传销,通过网络就能聚集上百甚至上千人,操纵者由明转向暗,躲在幕后,这些无疑都给有关部门的查处带来 相当大的难度。”解玉坚说。
"Recruiting is all done online, and members join via just a link to a website. The scammers behind the scam can recruit hundreds, perhaps thousands of people through a website. The scammers can hide in the background, and no longer show their real faces. This adds difficulty to the various legal entities trying to crack down on this type of fraud." Xie Yu Jian explained.

对于记者提供的这个公司,解玉坚表示公平交易局将会备案并仔细核查,如果有市民已经上当受骗,可以随 时举报。
As for the company mentioned by this reporter, Xie Yu Jian indicated that the Office of Fair Trade will investigate this thoroughly. If any citizens feel they have been victimized by this company, please report to the authorities at any time. 

齐鲁律师事务所的律师告诉记者,我国早在2005年就颁布实施了《禁止传销条例》,按照 相关描述,这种拉人头式的电子商务具有传销的嫌疑,消费者应该对此有防范意识。
An attorney at the QiLu Law Offices told this reporter that this country (China) has passed "Anti-Pyramid Scheme Direct Sale Act" into law in 2005. Based on the descriptions given, this Internet business has all the characteristics of a pyramid scheme. Any consumer should be weary regarding this "opportunity".

[Editor: Wang Zi] [编辑: 王梓]

-- end article --

So, folks, there you go. China has determined TVI Express to be fraudulent back in JUNE 2009 (that's the date of this article). How much do you want to bet other countries will follow soon?

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