Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More TVI Express shills post bogus claims of legitimacy

Welcome to another episode of TVI Express Madness! With over 600,000 victims, this pandemic is worldwide, and infecting more people every day! The symptoms are complete loss of grip with reality, as they spew out gibberish, all just in attempt to score that mythical $10000 payoff!  We are trying to bring awareness to this problem!

Today's documented victim is

The author, another TVI Express shill,  tries to explain why TVI Express is NOT a scam. However, just by looking at the name, it is already hard to take this website seriously. How can a a member of TVI Express, even CLAIM to give an impartial review of TVI Express, much less is TVI Express a scam or not? Yet it has the temerity to call itself "TVIExpressReviewBlog"... What utter... nonsense.

So what is their definition of a "pyramid scheme"?
"When there is no exchange of product and only an exchange of money, then the program is considered illegal. This type of money exchange program is what people should be calling a scam. So if you are just exchanging money and you are not getting a physical product or a service for that money, that is illegal."

Actually,  Federal Trade Commission, who goes after pyramid scammers, has a better definition:

Pyramid schemes now come in so many forms that they may be difficult to recognize immediately. However, they all share one overriding characteristic. They promise consumers or investors large profits based primarily on recruiting others to join their program, not based on profits from any real investment or real sale of goods to the public.
In other words: if you make more money from recruiting people than from selling things or service, you are likely involved in a scam.

So what do the TVI Express shills have to say about that? They trot out the infamous "back office", which is a website you supposedly can buy travel stuff, through your TVI Express login
"With TVI Express, there is a legitimate product. When you become a member and you look into your back office, you will see that you have access to a travel membership where you can book discounted travel. That is the product that is behind TVI Express."
The problem is, nothing in the TVI Express compensation plan says anything about commission based on the sales through the back office. There's some mumble about "residual income", "power pool bonus", and "incentive bonus", with no explanation on HOW are they calculated. Everything is about "cycling out the boards", and you can only do that by recruiting more people, which is the red flag according to the FTC definition. Incentive bonus itself is allegedly based on cycling out the Express board 3 times.

Also, we have documented that this infamous backoffice is just an AFFILIATE WEBSITE of Travelocity. Thus, this in no way legitimizes TVI Express. I guess I can charge you $50 to join my "Book Ventures International", cycle out after two matrices, and you actually buy your stuff through It's still a pyramid scheme, even though you CAN buy some stuff...  

In fact, the TVI Express FAQ specifically says you don't need to sell ANYTHING. I've linked to it so many times, I won't bother any more. So this completely contradicts the explanation offered by the shill.

So you can pretty much conclude that the shill's explanation on why TVI Express is legitimate is, well, bogus.
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