Sunday, April 4, 2010

TVI Express and other MLM scams caught in Chinese sweep

CHONGQING, CHINA - JANUARY 21:  Chinese youths...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Here's the translation of the official Chinese government news about their sweep of illegal MLMs, including TVI Express. The release is by Zhejiang Administration (bureau) of Industry and Commerce

Provincial Anti-Pyramid Working Group Meeting starts today

(dated 14-DEC-2009)

作者:吕律     来源:省局新闻中心
Author: Lew Lu   Source: Provincial News Agency

Performed 1403 inspections, cited 2469 illegal pyramid scheme locations
Zhejiang's Anti-Pyramid Schem One-Hundred-Day Combined Operation is a great success
 Provincial Anti-Pyramid Working Group Meeting starts today

Reporter today, at the Zhejiang Anti-Pyramid Scheme Working Group Meeting" has learned

自今年7月份 开展全省打击传销百日联合执法行动以来,全省工商、公安等职能部门集中优势兵力,共出动执法检查人员45942人次,组织开展专项检查1403次,取缔传 销窝点2469个,依法刑事拘留613人,逮捕360人,劳动教养41人,有效遏制了传销活动在我省的蔓延势头,维护了正常的市场经济秩序。

Since July (2009), when the province-wide Anti-Pyramid One-Hundred-Day United Operation started, in the entire province, Administration of Industry and Commerce, as well as Administration of Public Security, has combined forces, and sent out inspectors total of 45942 times, performed 1403 inspections, cited 2469 pyramid operating points, detained 613, arrested 360, and sent 41 to reeducation and rehabilitation, successfully inhibited the proliferation pyramid scheme in this province, and maintained regular market economic order.

今天的大会总 结了此次专项整治行动取得的成果,并对在此次行动中荣获先进集体和个人称号的单位和个人予以表彰。
Today's meeting is to publicize the results from the entire operation, and to commend those organizations and people who have protected the people.

Pyramids Scheme status still serious

In recent years, the various provincial administrations is using the policy 'strike early, strike often' against illegal pyramid schemes, and has enjoyed success.

Pyramid scheme in Zhejiang is under control, and the situation stable, with no large groups of victims.

However, the situation is still serious, and there are increases of reported cases since last year.

Based on the antipyramid operation reports, there are certain things to note:

Faster spread

Due to increasing unemployment domestically, pyramid scheme operators are using the the situation to entice desperate crowds into the scheme, and spread the fraud.

Especially by using the Internet to recruit and spread pyramids scheme, using high-end direct-sale tactics, made the phenomenon more prominent.

Such as Wenzhou province, Luchen City, Administration of Industry and Commerce has investigated "TVI Express", suspected in Internet-based pyramid-scheme, a major crime with over 2 million yuan (RMB) involved, far beyond simple fraud. The case was referred Administration of Public Security for further investigation and disposition.

Pyramid scheme "operation" is more deceptive than ever

Illegal operatives often use selling products and service to cover their activities, even advertise on media, and get celebrities to endorse.

As for the merchandise sold, are just symbolic "props", some even have no product or service, just purely trick participants to "pull heads" (recruit).

thus, their operation is more deceptive, causing problems with investigations.

Cell-based organization, widespread damage

In 2009, at Shanxi area has various sales people use the pretense of FanKuai cosmetic company from Kuangtong, who has a brand called KweiLi, started recruiting in Jinhua

Ask participants to pay 2900 Yuan (RMB) to join, and separate into five classes, salesman, foreman, supervisor, manager, general manager.

Using sales incentive, differential incentive, recruit incentive, and bonus pool incentive to form its compensation package.

Mainly based on the recruit numbers to pay, this pyramid scheme is tightly formed, and cell-based

usually the group lives separately, and only attend classes together, to avoid inspections and investigations, and only recruit people from Kweizhou, Chungchin, Hubei, and Jiangxi.

Does NOT accept Lisui local people, and you must have a sponsor to get in.

Based on the confiscated "recruit genealogy", such scheme has recruited hundreds of people, mostly farmers and laid-off workers, and other vulnerable groups.

Many were young people born in the 80's and 90's, many are unemployed university students.

Once they found they have been deceived, in order to "make back" their loss, they drag other people in such as fellow students, friends, relatives, and causing a vicious cycle.

Causing other crimes

Pyramid scheme operations often rent a house, and operate military style camps where the recruits are brainwashed, and NOT permitted to leave. Many reports were received of recruits attempting to escape by climbing out windows, and were wounded, even killed in their escape attempts.

Other crimes were caused as well, thus pyramid scheme is a root cause of crime

Pyramid scheme member Tang, was arrested for robbing (with knife) a motorcycle rider.

In KuZhou, two people were tricked into joining a pyramid scheme, and quickly spent their funds, over 20000 Yuan (RMB), and started performing strong-arm robberies in the city, targeting those wearing gold necklaces and other jewelry.

Such pyramid schemes usually use phone, QQ (Internet) chat, to recruit others, and use rental properties as their bases, in low-rent districts, which also holds undesirable elements.

Some career criminals and fugitives from law were also found mixed in.

KweiZhou this year had arrested two fugitives when it was raiding for pyramid scheme.

Lixui City's Public Security have arrested one fugitive that had previously been convicted of stabbing and robbing a motorcycle rider, and even threatened security attempting to intervene.


The rest of the article is about the tactics used, such as requiring background checks by landlords for renters, identify vulnerable ares and public education in those areas, establish community liaisons, and even public landlords who do not perform background checks, even monetary rewards for turning in suspected pyramid scheme organizers and training locations, as well as a list of all agencies that participated in the campaign.

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