Monday, April 19, 2010

TVI Express: 16 questions to ask your recruiter/upline

Another hubpage, for all TVI Express members, or prospective members... Will your upline answer ANY of these 16 questions? I'll just name the first three:

1)  Is TVI Express a travel club or a business opportunity? The website says business opportunity, but a lot of TVI Express distributors are claiming “travel club”. If you say both, please explain.
FOLLOW-UP 1: If it is a business opportunity, why does the FAQ say "You are not required to sell any product"?
FOLLOW-UP 2: If it is a travel club, why does the FAQ say "You need to recruit two people, and teach them each to recruit two more people"?

2)  TVI Express claims to have “strategic alliances with some of the biggest names in the Travel world”. Can you name some of them? Can you also explain why a Spanish newspaper is reporting that Lufthansa, Avis, and Marriott have initiated legal action against TVI Express for falsely representing them as “partners”?

If they want to see the article, print this out:

New Pyramid Scheme in Mallorca: Wealth to all

FOLLOW-UP: The same article also said that Lufthansa have repeatedly sent letters to TVI Express, but the letters came back as undeliverable. Does that mean that the address given on the TVI Express website is fake?

3) Can you explain WHY when I plug in the Cyprus address into Google, I get at least three other businesses at that EXACT SAME address, no suite number difference, no room number difference, but the EXACT same address?

FOLLOW-UP: If TVI Express is NOT really in Cyprus, then where is it? Where are its employees? Corporate officers? Where is their REAL OFFICE?

Read the whole thing at
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