Tuesday, November 23, 2010

After 2 years of existence, TVI Express finally gets... ethics?

One of the things pointed out by this critic of TVI Express (and others) is the complete lack of an ethical code or a contract for TVI Express and its "distributors", thus virtually confirming that it is a scam.

Guess what, TVI Express just published their "code of ethics", but NOT on their own website for all to view, but again, spread through some of their "uplines". So apparently this is meant for members, NOT to prospective members.

Here's a copy on Scribd, uploaded 22-NOV-2010. That's right, TVI Express finally decided to get ETHICAL after almost 2 YEARS of existence.http://www.scribd.com/jayantht   named ETHICAL MARKETING, of all things. It is also available on TVI Express website under downloads.

Yeah, right (sarcasm) So what's in it?

1) Prohibited Practices: thou shall not lie

Well, it wasn't the distributors and their downlines that are deceptive, it's the COMPANY ITSELF!

2) Explantions and Demosntrations: thou shall follow company guidelines and existing material

Again, the company material itself is misleading.  And what of people who violate the material? Like Ms. Goernawan who said TVI Express is NOT multi-level? When the leader themselves are violating the stuff, then what?

3) Verbal promises: thou shall not promise more than what TVI Express already did

Very helpful, this guideline...

4) Thou shall not give misleading answers

Isn't that already covered in 2 and 3?

5) Thou shall ID yourself properly in any literature

Duh! What about website? Huh?

6) Thou shall not use any misleading testimonials

Since such testimonials can't be verified... These rules are useless.

7) Thou shall tell all about Limitations and Disclaimers

Where are they?

8) Thou shall follow Policies and Procedures

Again, where are they?

9) Thou shall not talk badly of of other companies or falsely use another company's good name

Good, we can fire just about EVERYBODY in the company who ever mentioned Travelocity in association with TVI Express now. That's just about everybody, PERIOD.

10) Thou shall respect privacy of others


11) Thou shall be fair and not take advantage of others

As long as it's the company that's doing the "taking advantage", you're off the hook!

No number: TVI Express is NOT a get rich scheme

Yet it promises $10000 a week right on their front page. Who are they kidding?

Next page promises "code of conduct" is on TVI Express website, but gave NO URL. And what's the punishment for violations? "Show cause action, suspension, or termination of status as independent distributor".

And there is STILL no "code of conduct" on TVIexpress.com, unless they think the document above is the document.

Who's kidding who?

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