Monday, October 25, 2010

More TVI Express members in China arrested for FRAUD

Found the following article

2010英国TVI旅游快车 专骗老人

2010 UK TVI Express Cheats Elderly

2010-10-15 14:32:27

来源:《楚天金报》文/高秉  source: Chu-Tien Jin News  / Gau Bing
编辑:皓景旅行网  (崔皓景)editor:
Hao Jing Travel Network (Cui Haojing)


Chu-Tien Jin New Yichang Xiling Public Security Bureau yesterday reported that they have destroyed a group flying the banner of "UK TVI Express" pretext, conduct illegal pyramid scheme selling activitiesm, criminal gang, the suspected group leader of this illegal pyramid scheme, Ms. Liu, has been issued a warrant for his arrest. 

去年10月23日,西陵公安分局接一市民报案称,其受人邀约参加了“英国TVI旅游快车”电子商务活动,可缴纳了相关费用却得不到允诺的服务,遂疑被 骗,要求警方查处。该局经侦中队意识到其中隐藏着重要的网络传销线索,遂制定出“循序渐进、扎实取证、擒贼擒王”的侦查方案。

Last year (2009), 23-October, Xiling Public Security Bureau received a citizen report that he was invited to join a "TVI Express" e-commerce seminar, paid various joining fees, but did not received promised benefits, and believe he was defrauded, and wish police invetigation. The local Bureau, after investigation, realized in this complaint is a serious clue leading to a major pyramid scheme, thus formulated a plan: follow the link, gather the evidence, grab the leader. 


This year (2010) 26-AUGUST, Xiling Police detained the suspected organizer and leader of this so-called new e-commerce opportunity  "TVI Express", Ms. Liu. Ms. Liu quickly confessed to running a pyramid scheme, holding nothing back. Recently, through prosecutor's office of Yichung City, Xiling Region, arrest warrant was issued for Ms. Liu and she had been taken into custody.

经查,从去年4月起,刘某(化名:刘璐,女,39岁,汉族,宜昌人)通过林某(男,27岁,浙江人,现在逃)介绍,刘某出资1897元加入了“英国 TVI旅游快车公司”的网络传销组织。

According to investigation, since April 2009, Ms. Liu (alias: Lu Liu, female, 39 years old, ethnic Han, citizen of Yichan), through Mr. Lin (male, 27 yeas old, citizen of Zhejiang, fugitive) as a sponsor, paid 1897 (RMB) and joined TVI Express pyramid scheme organization.

随后,刘某在宜昌市华强大厦603号等地狂拉人头,以1897元购买旅游卡注册成“英国TVI旅游快车”会员后,可 免费入住国内线路五星级宾馆七天六夜和享受全球旅游打折优惠,推荐发展下线可获取500元美金返还和最高奖金15000元美金奖作饵,使自己在两个月内从一般会员发展成金卡会员,累计发展下线会员达658个,非法获利近6万余元。

Later, Ms. Liu was heavily promoting the pyramid scheme in Yichan City Huachiang Building #603, promising that just pay $1897 (RMB) for travel card (membership) and register to become member of "TVI Express', can get free accommodation in domestic 5-star hotels for 7-day 6-night and enjoy global travel discount benefits. If you sponsor and develop downlines you can earn 500 and up to 15000 USD as bait, quickly gotten herself in just over two months up to "gold level" associate, with 658 downlines, with illegal profit of over 6 million RMB.


Based on police information, this case has huge amount of victims and huge amount of money involved. Most victims are elderly, over 60. Many victims, entranced by Ms. Liu's scam, were swindled out of their life savings, and is currently the most devastating pyramid scheme thus far in Yichan city. 


Currently police is still processing the case. 

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