Thursday, October 7, 2010

Learn the Scam Tactics TVI Express use to Trick People

Scam tactics used by TVI Express and its supporters were analyzed and distilled into this article:

Actual samples of TVI Express and supporter lies and untruths are cited. 

Here's an excerpt:

Make it sound legitimate

TVI Express claims to be a networking marketing company, also known as multi-level marketing. It uses all the same terminology: it calls its members "distributors", it claims it pays out 72 cents out of every dollar brought in. It uses matrices. Its members "cycle out". So on and so forth. Just look at the following quotes from their own website:
"Network Marketing — also Direct Selling or Multi Level Marketing is the most powerful system of free enterprise in our modern world, and it is the business model that TVI Express chose from the beginning."

"Today, TVI stands as the poster child for modern MLM done right"
"TVl's first month of sales was bigger than any other network marketing company known, and we're still exceeding sales projections."
"Network Marketing can be an amazing business opportunity, but it takes a lot of hard work, and we [TVI Express] are dedicated, above all else, to support each and every one of our distributors, from those just starting out, to the most experienced business leaders."
However, keep in mind that in its own FAQ, TVI Express stated:
3. Do I need to sell any products?

No. You don’t need to sell any products. TVI Express is a unique e-commerce opportunity allowing you to build the Business around the globe sitting at your home.
How can you be network marketing if you don't need to sell anything? That becomes clear when you read their other FAQs... Just recruit, and you'll be making money while you sleep. The membership is for... selling more memberships. That is a pyramid scheme.

People only see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. It is more comforting to them. In case of TVI Express, they see network marketing buzzwords, and automatically accept it as network marketing, even though there's nothing to sell, just recruiting.

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