Monday, August 9, 2010

TVI Express: messing with your mind even as they con you

TVI Express loves to use language with multiple meanings. Just look at their slogan:

"Touching Lives Globally".

So, what is the definition of "touching"?

touch - affect: have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?"

The effect is neither positive nor negative. Yet because it had an exclamation mark at the end, most people assume that the effect is positive. 

Most Spanish translation of the slogan is "Cambiando Vidas Globalmente", or "changing lives globally".

They assumed.

Assumption is the mother of the screw-up -- Angelo Donghia (from

Those who assumed that TVI Express is "benevolent", had already screwed up. What was the other expression? Ah, yes...

"Do NOT assume. ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME."

Yes, a very American English joke this is. 

Here's another case... TVI Express contracted with some Phillipines outfit for net streaming for their "pre-launched" in the Phillipines. Guess what outfit they used?

No, I am NOT kidding. See for yourself. For those who are not familiar with English, here's definition for "pimp"

That was a very unfortunate acronym.

What other "doublespeak" have you found with TVI Express?
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