Monday, August 9, 2010

TVI Express has some cult characteristics

Pantai Kuta (Indonesia) - Tradition in a touri...Image by Viktor Kaposi via Flickr
What is a cult? Definition varies, but most people assume it has to do with religion.

No, I am not suggesting that TVI Express is a religion. I am saying that TVI Express shares SOME characteristics with a cult.

Which ones? Very simple. Those who demand blind obedience from their people are cult leaders.

Yet that is what some TVI Express distributors are demanding of their prospective members. Look at no outside information. Ignore criticism. DO NOT THINK. Only TVI Express is okay. It is us against them.

Don't believe me? Look at what this Indonesia TVI Express member wrote, when responding to people who found some criticism of TVI Express, and ask him to explain the criticisms.
" Immediately stop analyzing, stop worrying, stop suspicious."

This is known as "Aura of Sacred Silence" in cult studies.
"The aura of Sacred Silence - Prohibiting any questioning of the basic dogma, the cult’s laws, regulations and rules are absolute and must be followed."
 In fact, the further you look, the more cult characteristics you will find. Here's another one...

"The Demand for Purity - The world is sharply divided between pure and impure with the group in the role of ultimate judge. "
In TVI Express terms, those who criticize TVI Express are the enemy, probably some sort of conspiracy with their "ulterior motives", such as evil bosses out to exploit the poor, and keep them poor (whereas TVI Express can enrich the poor, so they claim). Or perhaps we are competitors of MLM, out to "salt the earth" and stunt the growth of TVI Express.

Guess that would make them a cult of paranoia, like the 2012 doomsday cults.

What other cultish characteristics do you see in TVI Express?

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