Wednesday, May 5, 2010

TVI Express Indonesia Member posts nonsense

The following comment was left on one of my hubpage  hubs regarding TVI Express complaints:
I don't know about you but I am a TVI Express Associates. I wish that you either join TVI or just leave it alone. I have so many friends like you. 
Maybe your friends are actually right, and you're just being obstinate. Ever consider that? Why is it that when TVI Express says "almost a million members means TIV Express must be legitimate", they expect to be taken seriously, but when all the friends tell this guy that he's in a scam, he ignores it?
Can you not accept that there would be new 'invention' everyday? If you think that there are only pyramid system or the bonzi system, then you will not survive in the world of SALES. Remembering, selling of an idea is also Sales. 
Except there is nothing new about TVI Express. The 1-2-4-8 pyramid can be cloaked by a new name, like "2x3 forced matrix", but the 8-ball scheme had been around for decades, perhaps centuries.  Besides, sales have nothing to do with the compensation structure at all. Only a pseudo-MLM cycler scam would actually mix the two up and claim the two are intertwined.
You are a typical American who just cannot see other people getting rich just like the cover up on the alternative medicines in America. The bottom line is either you have a qualm with TVI or someone paid you to write this page. 
Oh, great. Paranoia is setting in. Accusing me of jealousy, then paranoia about conspiracy. What's next?And what exactly is a "typical American"? I am anything BUT a typical American. I am Asian-American. I use "alternative" medicine myself. Plenty of herbalists and such in Chinatown.

I *wish* someone is paying me to write stuff, and in a sense, Google AdSense is paying me pennies a day. I have a qualm with TVI Express because I believe it to be a VERY OBVIOUS scam. Do I really need more reason than that? Clearly paranoid people think so.
God made us to have wit. If someone invented a new idea, we must share in its joy not by lamenting and trying to bring it down. That has happened in the past and I am not surprised there are some more people in this present time, trying to do the same thing - destroying other people's idea. 
God also gave us wisdom, to judge things for ourselves. It is sad that your greed had overwhelmed your own wisdom. The only thing original about TVI Express is their cleverness in concealing their own identities, using every trick in the book, including moving legal entity from one country to another, using multiple company names, across multiple continents, using virtual offices, in order to delay investigation and prosecution by legal authorities. That is FRAUD, and must be brought down.
I raise my hat to TVI Express. And if you are such a genius writing all this stuff, use your head to create more ideas to make more people richer and not just think about your own pockets.
And how would debunking scams and frauds help my own pockets? Huh? Ever think about THAT?  Oh, wait, your paranoia already made you believe that someone PAID me to write all this "bad" stuff about TVI Express. That's a circular argument.

I *have* had many ideas to make many people richer, and they are LEGITIMATE as they actually improve productivity of manufacturing, among other things. I would never stoop so low as to dangle false hope in front of poor people to enrich myself. Those who do so are scum and must be exposed as such.

So in the end, he admits it was all about greed... TVI Express dangled the hope of that $10000 USD in front of people, and that is quite a bit of money in Southeast Asia.  It is enough to change lives, and that bit of hope is enough to make people forget all logic. He knew that everything I wrote is true, but he can't make himself believe it, and must resort to making up some motivations for me so he can pretend those things he saw are not real.

In a sense, this is a desperate plea for help... "Why must you dash my dreams of changing my life?  I want to believe!"

Well, X-Files is long over (pardon the pop TV reference)  I offer you the ancient Chinese sayings: "the more bitter the medicine, the better it is for the body" (苦口良藥), and "the best advice were usually ignored" (忠言逆耳).

As Mr. Spock would say, "Live long and prosper," but the latter cannot be done with TVI Express, at least not with a clear conscience. 

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