Saturday, January 23, 2010

Desperate TVI Express Members will PAY your dues to join up

2012Image by Gadget Virtuoso via Flickr
They hope to cycle out of the board and recoup their losses before the whole thing collapses like Los Angeles in the movie 2012. So they will PAY most of your $250 join up fee.

In fact, here's one that you only need to pay $37 to join. Presumably, s/he will pay the remaining $213.

When people are THAT desperate to recruit people to join a supposedly "greatest opportunity ever", you know something is very wrong...
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Denny Muller said...

The Nay Sayers are need to do more research, before they go spouting gibberish. The $37 membership is from TVI Global Assist Team. By cycling through the TVI (GAT) they pay your way into TVI Express by generating income by referring new members into TVI GAT.
Our Administrative Team is in regular contact with TVI Express Administration and are experiencing growing pains. we get regular updates of the TVI Express activities and upgrades as they become available.

Please do your research before you start slamming programs as scams!

TVI GAT is a Perfectly legitimate program and we have many members making money with TVI Express.

GuyReviews said...

So let me see if I get this straight...

People who joined TVIGAT is NOT actually joining TVI?

So instead of feeding more heads to the most-likely-a-scam TVI, they are feeding heads into no-idea-scam-or-not TVIGAT, which somehow will "pay [your] way into TVI Express".

Does TVIGAT sell anything? Or do TVIGAT just recruit heads like TVI Express? According to them, all new members do is "by generating income by referring new members into TVI GAT".

Sorry, but this sounds like TVI Express "junior edition" to me.