Friday, September 10, 2010

TVI Express told to cease and desist in state of Georgia, USA

BehindMLM reports that Donna Abreu, one of the North American leaders (whose "TVI Express Review Blog" I have reviewed before to be absolutely bull****) reported that one of her upline have been served a cease and desist letter from State Attorney of Georgia.

TVI Express has hired no lawyer to help defend its American members, unlike their promise to fight to the end in Australia. (BTW, their promise to fight includes violating TWO court injunctions, emptying their bank account frozen by court order) 

The member was also told that TVI Express also violated American FTC laws regarding pyramid schemes and MLM. I had indicated this is so since beginning of this year.

And here's one more warning: ANY AMERICAN TVI EXPRESS MEMBERS CAN BE PROSECUTED FOR RUNNING A PYRAMID SCHEME if they choose to continue recruiting. While TVI Express is a foreign entity, and thus beyond the reach of FTC, any members within the US found to violate the law CAN be prosecuted. I did not say this... "TVI Express North America Leader" did.

You can read BehindMLM's report here, and the letter published from TVI Express supporter here.
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