Saturday, August 6, 2011

TVI Express continues to infect Filipino minds with their drivel

Following comment was left at one of my Hubpages hub (references to the left)
ellen  (links to "") posted 05-AUG-2011 from IP address TVI express, you have to work if you want to earn money. Build up your team and workout with your board through referral. I guess that's the essence of MLM business. People will earn through network of people.. Those people who think negatively regarding about network marketing, you need to undergo mindsetting for you will never attract people to join and absolutely you will not attract money.. TVI express is earning $1.3 million per day. The company is an affiliate of other online business companies. In fact, TVI express has an airlines itself called royal pacific airways. You need to understand the business and do not wish to join if you dont understand it.
Let's analyze the sentences one by one
In TVI express, you have to work if you want to earn money. Build up your team and workout with your board through referral. 
Because TVI Express doesn't sell anything (indeed, their own FAQ until recently specifically said you don't need to sell anything, and even now it doesn't actually say what you need to sell), "ellen" just described a pyramid scheme: refer people to get paid.
I guess that's the essence of MLM business. People will earn through network of people.. 
Wrong. That's the essence of a PYRAMID SCHEME (i.e. money game / Ponzi scheme, etc.) The essence of MLM business is selling things (cosmetics, nutritional supplements, cookware, etc.) through a network of sales people and recruiting sales people to add to the sales.

By now, one realizes that Ellen had been spoon fed and is now totally addicted to the pseudo-MLM scam, and actually believed it's MLM, which is confirmed by her next statement
Those people who think negatively regarding about network marketing, you need to undergo mindsetting for you will never attract people to join and absolutely you will not attract money.. 
She had described a pyramid scheme, not MLM, and she claims I am negative on MLM. Wrong! I am negative on SCAMS AND FRAUDS that PRETENDS to be MLM.
TVI express is earning $1.3 million per day.
And this is documented where? Since it doesn't sell anything except membership, that actually proves it is a FRAUD... much like that OTHER scam in India that had its COO arrested.
The company is an affiliate of other online business companies
And I am an affiliate of eBay, Google, and Amazon through a few links to ads and books. So what? This proves nothing.
TVI express has an airlines itself called royal pacific airways.
No it doesn't. There's some phantom claim by TVI Express, and was NEVER confirmed by any newspaper or by the airline itself (which has yet to purchase a plane). Also, it's called "Pacific Royale", not Royal Pacific.
You need to understand the business and do not wish to join if you dont understand it.
It is you who do not understand the business, Ellen. It is NOT MLM. MLM is legal and sells things. TVI Express is not legal, and sells membership to itself.

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