Monday, June 13, 2011

Even more hilarious: Rudy Phan's articles pirated

I've been busting Rudy Phan's lies since 2010. I busted so many, that Rudy Phan decided to hide his lies behind his "members only" wall.

So why would someone repost the lies and claim as their own, complete with pictures? Someone did.

But I busted all 4 reasons as lies back in December 2010.

Not only is this article a lie, it's a ZOMBIE lie.

1 comment:

Aero said...

searching on internet.
The one post that website is:
Ari Darmapala.
Address: Jl. Yankesmas B5 No.12 A.
Jakarta Utara 14350.
Phone 02191973938. Handphone, 08170988899

You could check their phone and search by google